Friday, January 24, 2014

Five Friday Faves {Self-Improvement}

Hello Loves!

This new weekly series is called Five Friday Faves (as I'm sure you can tell from the title.) Each week this series will have a different theme to the five items. For instance, this week is all about improving yourself to be the best you possible! Now this will mean something different for each person depending on your goals, however here are a few of mine.
My new guitar!

1. My Guitar: 

This is has been my exciting purchase of the week! I have tried learning guitar for about eight or nine years now, but have never had the patience (or time) to stick with it. Right now I have been trying out new hobbies like photography and writing more and they have actually been sticking–so I figured now's the perfect time to learn guitar!

2. Meditation: 

I found this app, Headspace that not only teaches you how to meditate, but it walks you through a free 10 minute a day for 10 days program of meditation. After the 10 days you have more tools under your belt to continue meditating. I took a class in college that included, you guessed it, meditation. I found meditation very helpful throughout my college years to help focus and center myself, to get better sleep and to relieve stress. Best of all you can do it on your phone or computer to bring wherever you are!

Raspberry, lemon & lime water! Yum!

3. Drinking More Water:

It's always my mission to drink more water, but this week I really have been stepping up my game! It's crazy how much even slight dehydration can affect your body–fatigue, moodiness, skin issues and the list goes on. To aide in upping my water intake I have been adding fruits to my water! I love adding raspberries or strawberries with lemon and lime slices to a large mason jar of water and let it sit in the fridge. It really helps break up the monotony of drinking plain water, plus the fruits have some beneficial properties too!



4. Removing Makeup Before Cleansing: 

 Okay so this one may seem like a no-brainer, but I rarely removed my makeup before I washed my face until I found the Trader Joes Micellar Cleansing Towelettes! I have been using them religiously each night before cleansing my face for about two weeks now and I have really noticed a big difference. Check out my full review here (I am also giving one away!):

5. Exercising:

This is a bit obvious when it comes to self-improvement, but I have fallen off the exercising wagon the last couple of weeks. It felt so good to take the step to start working out again. I eased into the transition by starting off with toning exercises at home like squats, lunges, planks, push-ups and those types of exercises. Then I work my way to the gym and add cardio into the mix. At this point it is crucial to set up designated gym times during the week. Mine is currently set to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday routine during the afternoon.

What are your five favorites this week??

xoxo Jess

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