Thursday, October 24, 2013

What's in my Bag: Travel Edition

I'm at home visiting family and friends for my birthday and thought I would show you what's in my bag while traveling! Lets jump right in.

Firstly my purse is from Daily Look - my go to website for handbags, they're so cute, well made and affordable.

Inside I have:
-iPhone 4S: I am glued to my phone. I do social media and marketing for companies so between that and my own social media for JessicaHeartsBeauty, I'm constantly online. (Not pictured above).
-Mint Quilted Wallet: I love mint and just got this one from Forever 21 for only $12!
-iPad Mini: While I'm home I'm still working but don't want to travel with my computer so my iPad saves me. I love the mini because it's light and fits easily in my bag and I am currently loving its little pink case.
-Black DayMinder: This little planner is my savior while on trips. I can keep track of my plans and work stuff.
-Black "Beauty" Make-up Bag: I got this make-up bag from Forever 21 and I use it in my handbag to hold all the little items that tend to float around my purse.

Inside I have: my house and car keys, gum, Apple headphones, a snack (I'm always hungry), Hello Kitty hand sanitizer (yucky airports), H&M sunglasses in a cheap case from Forever 21, Jergens Ultra Healing hand lotion (my hands always get dry while flying), and my favorite Covergirl Smoochies lip balm in #Sweet Tweet!

Ta-da! That is everything in my handbag. I try to keep it to a somewhat minimum while traveling so it's not super heavy but I always need the most stuff while traveling, a little ironic huh?

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